Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (May Newsletter)

Dear Partners, I pray that this month’s letter finds you and your family healed by His stripes. This has been a crazy month and a half, for all of us. I am thankful that this quarantine is almost to an end. Like so many, I’ve been out of work for quite some time. The Lord has spoken to me for the Body of Christ in many different ways. I, first of all, want to thank our Partnership for your faithful support. This has been almost the only means of income that we have had. I want to give a shout out to the churches that have sent offerings to our ministry over this time of the pandemic. Many of the churches were forced to cancel my meetings with them because of the social distancing. Yet they sent us offerings that have sustained us, It’s been like ravens coming in the morning, and showing up in the evening. We are very appreciative of all that everyone has done for us. Local pastors in my area are calling me and saying that they desire to sow a seed to help us because they know this is how we take care of our personal lives. Our spiritual sons have stepped up and been such a blessing to us by giving more than they normally do. I can’t say thank you to everyone enough. In this time off I have had the time to catch all the things needing to be done around the house, up. I’ve spent some time writing on my new book, I’ve started sharing on Facebook live three times a week. Speaking of, I encourage every minister who has launched in this way to continue your efforts even after we reconvene. Many of you have conveyed to me that hundreds of followers have developed and reports of souls being saved. I feel that this should continue. The Lord has had me sharing that this season has been a vine casting time. We are told in Malachi, that our tithe holds special blessings in it. As we bring all the tithe into the house, the Lord rebukes the devourer for our sakes. He opens the windows of heaven and pours out blessings in which we cannot contain. And that He will not allow our vine to cast its fruit before its time. I think that all of us have had fruit on the vine held by the Lord for such a time as this. The Lord told me that Christian businessmen and women would be blessed in this downturn in the economy. Report after report came to me of how the Lord was opening all kinds of new opportunities for business people. In a time where things have been completely out of control, God has been in complete control. The Lord has spoken to me about how we need to come into His house from this point on. Of course, I will be sharing all of this with you in the future. Just the other morning, the Lord woke me up at 3:00 AM and spoke to me out of Job chapters 23, 38, and 40. Job is considered one of the three books in the Bible that reflect God's wisdom. The other two are Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. God told Job that He would speak to him from a whirlwind, or in a time that seemed to be completely beyond Job’s ability. We are in such a time as this. Things have been beyond our control. Nahum 1:3, says, God has His way in the whirlwind. If this season has revealed anything, It’s revealed where God hasn’t had His way in the church and in our lives. We are going to look at all of this in much more detail. There are things corporately and personally, that hasn’t been right for a long time. And with a world harvest, a world revival on the horizon, we need to get back in sync with Him. He has always known what is next! If we do not rise with His plan, we will naturally want to go back to where we were. This is not time to go backward, this is a time to move ahead. The move of God depends on our compliance. “Win Souls”

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Your servants in HIs service, The Hines

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