Chasing the word of the Lord for 2020 (June Newsletter)

June 1, 2020                              

Hey everyone, I pray that this letter finds you healthy and blessed. I am writing to you from the state of New York. My original schedule had me up here from the middle of April through the end of May. To be honest, I couldn't stay at home any longer. I felt the Lord say to me, “This is a defining time”, so I had to go. What I have found has been so refreshing. The church in New York is so hungry for God and to reconvene, it makes me weep and leap for joy. Many of the Pastors had no choice in rescheduling me for the fall, But I made an appeal and found that there were some that wanted to meet. It’s almost like the early church, I’ve ministered at two home fellowships, where the attendance was packed, it was overwhelming. A church had me for a morning and evening service, like most churches the morning service was live-streamed. But, Sunday night, five churches came together and we had such a wonderful time in the Lord. To be with the Body of Christ live has been so refreshing for me. To come together with my brother and sisters has been a blessing. I have realized how much I love God and His people. I love what God allows me to do for Him, it’s a complete honor. To see people come together who have driven over an hour just to be part of a church service is very exciting. The people's hunger for God is very impressive. These folks live under a tyranny that most of America can’t relate to. The governor is still going to keep the church from being able to open their doors for another six to eight weeks. But, God's people have had enough. The Pastors that I have spoken with are planning to open the church back up on Pentecost Sunday. We really need to be in prayer for the northern states. States that have democratic governors, they are pushing the people into a revolt. In North Carolina, there are people suing the government. This whole thing started with an effort to take our second amendment from us. For a government to become communist, they have to disarm the people and tax them heavily. We should have seen it coming. But now that they have gotten our attention, we all have realized how quickly a government can bring a nation to a standstill. A beginning effort to a one-world government. Am I thankful for the stimulus checks, the SBA grant, and the PPP grant, of course. But I think of how in debt we are as a nation because of this mess. I think about small businesses that still have not gotten any assistance, people that will have to give up what they have worked for all their lives, unless they do get help. Is this part of the overall plan?  Why quarantine the healthy, the working class, when the disease attacks the elderly. Am I thankful for a desire to protect citizens, yes, but even medical doctors have said, you don’t quarantine the healthy. The greatest way to bring down someone's immune system is to quarantine them. Is this part of the overall plan? I have questions and I know you do too. I will never be forced to be vaccinated or have a computer chip placed under the skin of my right hand or on my forehead. ( Rev. 13:16-18 ) No matter what authorities say, the chip will help with health records, or help with recovering abducted people, or a thousand other reasons. We already can be tracked by cell phone, I’m not going to help an antichrist spirit. Church please see how close we are to seeing all that the Apostle John forecasted. Rom. 13:11, And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than we first believed. Eph. 5:14, Therefore He says, “Awake you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.

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           Your servants in His service, the Hine’s

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